Levante-se do Sofá e Procure uma Igreja Bíblica! - Hensworth Jonas

Levante-se do Sofá e Procure uma Igreja Bíblica! - Hensworth Jonas [Music] our generation is a cesspool of narcissism most people in our generation have bought into the nonsense that everything can be.

Levante-se do Sofá e Procure uma Igreja Bíblica! - Hensworth Jonas

Customized they have bought into the nonsense that that everything can be tailor made according to the demands and tastes of each.

Individual they think like Burger King you can have it your way they think spirituality and theology and the faith is something that you can customize for your own.

Tastes a radical subjectivism is is being promoted allowing all opinions to be equally valid even when these opinions cancel.

Each other out even when they are mutually exclusive even when they are unsupported by Logic history and Common.

Sense Our Generation has manifested the effects of sin just like past Generations we see the estrangement the.

Lostness self-destructive Tendencies and the resulting pain in its weight it appears however that that this generation is convinced that the answers will never come in.

Community there is a radical individualism there is a sense in which uh they think we could uh be spiritual without the local.

Church they think the local church is optional so they say we don't need an institution we don't need institutional religion I can be a Christian by myself watching.

YouTube listen folks online church is not real Church get up and go to church the apostle was very explicit you were brought out of one.

Community and grafted into a new community you just read it you were brought out of one Community into a new community the saints were not being.

Moved from the uncircumcision to self actualization perish the thoughts they were being brought out of.


    Uncircumcision into the Commonwealth of Israel and the covenants of Promise they were being embraced in the love of the Church of the Living.

    God so we come out of of of our paganism Pagan Community into the community of the church now the modern reader of this holy text is likely to get sucked into a.

    Great excitement because people today get excited when they hear that they get power they because they're hearing here that.

    Each believer um will personally thrive in their relationship with God but they're soon deflated because as they study carefully our growth in Grace is.

    Experienced in the context of community some feel betrayed they thought they were being empowered with an.

    Unencumbered self-actualization and they are shocked that the New Testament teaches that they must be on Authority.

    And accountable in their local church this is very disturbing to anyone who is determined to have their own way with spiritual thingsi these people are suspicious of.

    The authority that God delegates to others Tru listen biblical Christianity and the nature of reality into which Our God has created us knows no other way than.

    Community yes you do have a personal relationship with God but that is married to your relationship to your local church let me make this abundantly.

    Clear Hebrews chapter 13 and verse

    17 makes it abundantly clear that every believer must have a pastor every believer must have a.

    Pastor and the absence of this is counterproductive for them spiritually you will not grow as you should if you have not covenanted with.

    The local church and submitted to your pastor let's read it Hebrews 13:17 obey those who rule over you and be.

    Submissive for they watch for your souls as those who must give accounts let them do this with joy and not with grief for that would be unprofitable for.

    You the word of God is clear the surpassing power of God does not work in our lives just individually he does work with us.

    Individually however all Notions that such power precludes The Community of Faith are alien to the Holy Scripture to experience the.

    Power we must be grafted into a Community of Faith it is a community of Love truth and Mission the Christian Life is birth in.

    The Community of Faith the Christian Life is sustained and developed in The Community of Faith the Christian Life is consumated In The Community of.

    Faith all Notions of a radical individualism in spiritual matters are rooted in paganism we to embrace such ideas is to yield to the worldliness and the.

    Narcissism our generation is on steroids with narcissism and you are being called upon to to to to get involved in the perversion and this cancerous downgrade.

    By by rejecting the life of the church these Pagan ideas will kill the local church they are rooted in a wicked idolatry it is a wicked idolatry that.

    Designs a god of its own imagination it is a wicked idolatry that is right in tune with the spirit of the age it is a wicked idolatry that convinces.

    Us to make a name for ourselves it is a wicked idolatry that minimizes the social implications and obligations of the Gospel.

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