Toda Minha Vida se Resume em uma Só Palavra: CRISTO! - Joel Beeke

Toda Minha Vida se Resume em uma Só Palavra: CRISTO! - Joel Beeke [Music] sometimes in America you as a pastor you talk with young people and I asked a young person do you do you know that other that other young.

Toda Minha Vida se Resume em uma Só Palavra: CRISTO! - Joel Beeke

Person oh yes he said I'm I'm connected with him that's a popular word today I said suppos because of all the modern technology and people want to feel.

Connected to other people you see if you're in Christ there is a real connection with Jesus Christ and Paul had that it was.

Real do you have that is it real are you connected LED now it wasn't always that way for.

Paul you know the story in fact he once was persecuting those who were connected with Jesus Christ even as a Pharisee.

Prior to his conversion for him to live it was Moses he followed all the laws he did everything right his life was a life of.

Legalism a life of human righteousness but on the way to Damascus it all changed radically a light Shone from.

Heaven Paul fall fell to the Earth trembling astonished blinded conquered by God his friends bring him to.

Damascus for three days he can't see he can't eat he can't even drink he can only pray and there in the street called straight the Holy Spirit made him.

Straight before God and there Paul saw who he really was before the holy law of God and then if you put a paper in front of him and say for me to live put it.

Down now Paul in one word who are you what is your identity at that time he would have scratched out the word Moses he would have said for me to live.

Sin I'm a Lost Sinner before a holy God I am totally lost before the spirit of that law I have not loved God above all and my neighbor as.

    Myself I've persecuted the Lord Of

    Glory Paul learned there what he never learned at the feet of gel he learned he was a stranger to God a stranger of Grace who needed to be.

    Born again his uncircumcised heart was humbled and he embraced the just punishment of his iniquity but there also in the street.

    Called straight the Holy Spirit LED this Apostle to the Lord Jesus Christ he said it was like scales falling from his.

    Eyes he said it pleased God to reveal his son in me he saw that Christ was the only way of Salvation by the grace of God he.

    Surrendered his life to that son of God his life was forever linked with the very savior whom he formerly persecuted and he was filled with Christ with a peace that passes all.

    Understanding for me to live Christ now in theology we call this a fancy word justification when you're United with.

    Christ by faith you are Justified your sins are washed away through the bloody satisfaction of Jesus.

    Christ and you are made one with Christ boys and girls I want you to understand this this is a big word but it's a very important.

    Word so let me tell you a quick story there was a 9-year-old boy named Tom and Tom made himself a beautiful boat and every day he ran down to the river and he' run along the bank of the.

    River and he' pull with a string he

    Pulled that boat along the water but one day it was very windy and the wind ripped the cord from Tom's.

    Hand and the boat sailed away Tom was very sad but a few days later he was walking in the downtown area.

    And he saw his boat in in the store window so he walked in and he said to the the shopkeeper he said um this is my boat I want my boat well the store owner said that will.

    Be $20 no no tomon you don't understand this is my boat I built this boat young man the shop owner said you don't.

    Understand I paid money for this boat this boat is my boat $20 Tom ran home and he scraped together $20.

    And he came back and he bought the boat the boat that he made and then he walked away from the store and he hugged his boat and he loved his boat so much he.

    Was talking to his boat he said twice I have owned you first I made you and then I bought you and see boys and girls that's what.

    It's like to be a Christian God made you but you are sinful and you have ripped yourself away from God's.

    Hand the wind of your sin and the wind of the world has has driven you away from God but you see Jesus Christ comes also for boys and.

    Girls the very savior who made you comes to buy Sinners back through his blood not with $20 but he paid his whole.

    Life to become your life don't rest until you too can say for for me to live is Christ I'm connected to him through what he has done for.

    Me he died for me and now he lives for me at the father's right hand all and in all for me that's.

    Justification he forgives my sins through his suffering he obeys the law perfectly for me and when I believe in him alone for salvation by the grace of his holy.

    Spirit he takes his double obedience obedience by suffering the penalty of my sin we call passive obedience and active obedience to obey.

    The law perfectly loving God above all loving his neighbors himself without ever sinning he takes that double obedience.

    And he imputes it to me and he takes all my sins and imputes them to himself so as Paul puts it this way he who knew.

    No sin became sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him so from that moment on you see Paul is determined to know nothing else save Jesus Christ and him.

    Crucified in Acts n we read that straight way he preached Christ in the synagogue and two chapters later in Philippians we.

    Read what things were gained to me these I counted loss for Christ and the Greek word there is I count everything else but garbage compared to.

    Christ he's my total life he's my Foundation okay pretend you have a paper in front of you now whether you're 5 years old or.

    Whether you're 75 years old the paper says simply this for me to live blank and then it says fill it in truthfully and you can.

    Only use one word what is your life in one word now truthfully.

    Could you honestly say Christ or would you have to say spouse.

    Children money reputation popularity friendship.

    All those things all those things that HEI mentioned to us first talk what Idol are you putting before Jesus.

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