Pare De Falar MAL Da Igreja DE CRISTO - Jeffrey Johnson

Pare De Falar MAL Da Igreja DE CRISTO - Jeffrey Johnson There's two reasons or at least two reasons why we don't think the church is that glorious is one you see so many problems in the church.

Pare De Falar MAL Da Igreja DE CRISTO - Jeffrey Johnson

Problems you see sinners in the church when you go to church it's easy to be critical I don't like this.

I don't like that I don't like the preaching I don't like the singing and that type of mindset gives us a bad view of the church.

To have all kinds of problems and you're one of them another reason we don't see the church is all that glorious is.

We're looking at the wrong things now think of the glory of a Godly woman basis saw somebody now the Bible tells us what true beauty is.

It's not in the earrings it's not in how the hair is done it's not in the clothes now young men um well look at a girl.

And they'll just see the outward Beauty and that beauty will fade away but God sees the beauty of the inward man but real beauty is.

A woman who has a quiet disposition who has a sweetness to her demeanor um this is real Beauty yes but so many times we look at the church.

And we're focused on the external things foreign let's look at what God says is the glory of the church what makes the church beautiful in the.

Eyes of God and if you're a pastor foreign and finally God's churches were his praise and worship and this will see the Beauty and the.

Glory and the Majesty of the church I want you to see just how wonderful the church is this morning and I know what you're going to say yes and not worship the church.

But if you want to see Jesus Christ if you want to be in his presence you want the power of Christ in your life you find it in the church.

    Because the church is like the moon

    The sun is the real light but the moon reflects the moon reflects the glory of Heaven on Earth.

    And if you want a taste of Heaven if you want a glimpse of Glory um you find it in the church there's no other place on Earth.

    Where you're going to find the glory in the Majesty of Christ so visibly manifested then you are in the local church so let's look at these five things.

    The glory of the church number one is God's presence seeing such ideas you have to understand the church is the temple of God it's the New Covenant temple.

    In first Timothy 33 14-15 it says it's called the household of God the church is where Christ dwells on Earth and if you wanted to meet someone.

    You go to their house where they dwell and live and where does Christ live on earth he lives with his people you see in the Old Testament Solomon and.

    King David Pierce King David wanted to build God a house and God told David that he would not build a house but his son would there was.

    King Solomon the son of David did build a temple you know hey that this real house is not built by Solomon it's built by Jesus Christ.

    Samuel 7 12-14 says foreign so Christ is the one who builds this Temple but he doesn't build it out of physical.

    Stones and rocks

    Physics but according to first first Peter Pedro he builds the temple out of Livingston it is.

    Going to construct a household of God out of his people and this is why first Peter 2 5 tells us that we are the Temple of the Living God prophesied by Ezekiel in Ezekiel 37.

    Verse 27 um so this is where God says I will dwell in Ephesians 2 20. says this Jesus again.

    But the new Temple will be constructed from Living Stones is built on the foundations of the Apostles and Prophets in him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the.

    Spirit now you know that individually that you are the Temple of the Living God that Christ dwells in your heart if you're a Believer.

    But in a greater way when all the people of God are come together we are being built up together as the household of God.

    And so just as you do have the presence of Christ in you at all times the presence of Christ is is manifested in a greater way in the local church where do you want to find the presence.

    Of God you want to have a relationship with Christ you want to be next to Christ you want to.

    Experience you don't go to the market you don't go into the world Christ is not in the market now he's at all places because he's on.

    My presence that his manifested presence is in the church and if you want to experience Christ you go to church.

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